Alaipayuthey (The Grand Finale)

The wedding:


If the wedding where Karthik and Shakti met first was so colourful and had a joyous atmosphere, their own wedding is not far behind in these aspects. Right from Madhavan’s blue shirt and Shalini’s maroon saree to the white garlands and the group of friends and Shakti’s sister pulling their legs and the Registrar making his presence felt through out his screen time, everything is picture perfect! Shot at Kapaleeswarar Temple, the wedding of Karthik and Shakti is the most beautifully picturized wedding sequence in Mani Ratnam’s films what with ‘Mangalyam’ scored by Rahman playing in the background. 🙂 After Karthik cleverly manages to dodge Mrs. Prema outside the temple and runs in, the beat of the song starts and you have Karthik taking the garland in his hand. If Mani Ratnam doesn’t utilize the songs appropriately, who else will? 😉

After that follows yet another set of lovely scenes like the one where Karthik and Shakti are travelling by bus and a lady comes and asks him to get up saying it is ladies’ seat and Karthik asking her, ‘Ungalukku kalyanam aaiducha?’, ’15 years!’, ‘Paavam purushan!’ 🙂 The expressions on the faces of Madhavan and Shalini (Shalini trying her best to put on an act by controlling the laughter) make you enjoy this scene even more! 😉


Then, the song ‘Snegidhane’! Beautifully shot at Maheshwar temple on the banks of Narmada (Mani Ratnam ensures that he uses at least one location in each of his films that you would want to visit at least once in your lifetime), this song has everything starting from the lighting, excellent choreography and of course, Madhavan and Shalini’s costumes (It’s high time some actors and some men in general, understand that Sherwanis don’t suit all men. Just because Madhavan looks handsome wearing it, it doesn’t mean it will suit every Tom, Dick and Harry! 😛 ).

After the song comes one of the much debated scenes among my friends circle. Everyone keep arguing that Shakti shouldn’t have said that she is already married when Poorni’s ‘in-laws’ ask for her hand for their younger son. Wouldn’t it have been better if she had just said she was not interested in the marriage and at least saved her sister’s wedding from not getting stopped? But, do we all make only the right decisions at all the crucial moments in life? Enough of serious talk!

After this when Karthik and Shakti leave their homes, I like the way the scene shifts from the one where Madhavan and Shalini are in the auto to the scene where Karthik’s friends ‘furnish’ their house with the start of the music of Pachchai Nirame. I feel as though the use of Pachchai Nirame as a BGM for this scene acts as an indication for the happy times ahead in Karthik and Shakti’s life 🙂 Talking about Pachchai Nirame being used as a BGM, the last time when it comes as a BGM in the movie is when Karthik tells Shakti that they will go and visit her father in the hospital the next (the last happy scene in the movie feat. Madhavan and Shalini before the climax).




The song ‘Kadhal Sadugudu’, followed by the ‘suda suda news’ scene, ‘thaali’ scene and then, the mock ‘fight’ followed by the marking of the dates in the calendar scene are one bunch of sweet scenes. 🙂

Well, we all know what happened in their lives after these happy scenes. 😉

Stills courtesy: The once existent website of Alaipayuthey, Sakhi (Telugu version of the movie) and various other sites.
Slideshow created using Videomaker
(Why has the sharpness of the stills become poor after I uploaded the video! 😦 )

How can I even think of wrapping up the series of posts on Alaipayuthey without mentioning the one song that means the most to me! It is of course, Pachchai Nirame! It is the only song whose magic is ever-growing right from the first day I watched it/listened to it to this day! Time and again, I have tried to write about it, but I have always failed to do justification to the song. The music, the flute, the words ‘Sakhiye Snegidhiye’, Hariharan’s voice, the locales where the song is shot, the opening shot of the song with Shalini wearing a beautiful green costume and dancing, Madhavan and group ‘dancing’ for the lines ‘Sakhiye’! Is there just a few things in that song that I can pinpoint and say are the best aspects of it! Mani Ratnam and A.R.Rahman rock in this song! I thank them for giving us such a wonderful song! 🙂

With this I am wrapping up the series of posts on Alaipayuthey! I thank each and everyone of you for all the words of appreciation and for patiently reading my posts! 🙂 At this point of time, it would be highly unfair if I don’t thank the two persons with whom I have had endless discussions on Alaipayuthey for the past 7 years and all these posts were born only out of those discussions! They are my Mom and my sister! 🙂

P.S.: This is my 100th post! 😀 Thank you my dear readers! 🙂 I wanted my 100th post to be on Alaipayuthey. But, when I started writing, I found that I had lots to write about this movie. So, I decided that posts 96 to 100 will only be on Alaipayuthey! I will try to revisit the music of Alaipayuthey in a detailed manner sometime later!

P.S.1: Does anyone have the unedited version of the song ‘Alaipayuthey’ featuring the scenes where Shalini sings that song to Madhavan in their house? If any of you have a DVD having that song, please give me the details. I would be most grateful! Thanks in advance!


  1. daneel olivaw said,

    May 31, 2007 at 9:48 pm

    what! didn’t even know it existed. do post about that song, picturization, and youtube clippings if available.
    as an aside, thanks for this series of posts. they have really helped me, in a lot of ways. thanks a ton.

  2. Prabhu said,

    May 31, 2007 at 9:53 pm

    If you get that video, give it to me too 😀
    Its always a pleasure reading your posts on Rahman and Mani sir after a hard day at work. Nice post young lady 😉

  3. Sathej said,

    May 31, 2007 at 10:01 pm

    Kapaleeshwarar Temple! Well, that is news to me.

  4. Bharath said,

    June 1, 2007 at 11:43 am

    Hello there

    Wanted to go through all the blogs on Alai Payuthey before leaving my comment…

    Firstly – Brilliant analysis… Especially of the complex ups and downs in their relationship…

    Alai Payuthey is not my favourite Mani movie… Its a brilliant movie no doubt about that… But I’m still waiting for your Nayakan review 🙂

    Alai Payuthey to me was Mani Ratnam’s attempt to create a simple down to earth movie after his Iruvar and Dil Se failed with the audiences. The difference in the syles from Dil Se to Alai Payuthey is starkly evident… The cinematography moved from ad style lighting and sequences to simplistic camerawork in Alai Payuthey… Music was strikingly different – To me, Dil Se is one of Rahman’s best ever, and Alai Payuthey is one of his sweetest… Moving from SRK to a new face (who was later to be the actor with the maximum number of Mani films), from Manisha to Shalini…

    Why its not my favourite Mani movie is exactly for these reasons.. No doubt he has captured the complexities of a marriage very well, the ups and downs and the struggles, but he has stripped the movie of what he is best known for to achieve simplicity – classy backlighting, camerawork, and powerful acting (Kamal in Nayakan, Shyamilee in Anjali and Keerthana in KM)…

    Having said that, as I mentioned, the movie is brilliant by any standards… Madhavan’s acting as a newcomer surpassed that of some established stars in Indian cinema… I remember the look of anxiety on his face when he’s on the bike looking for Shakti… And how his expressions in the movie range from anxious to that sweet smile of his to anger… Of course one of the classic lines is “Will you jump from the train – No”, ranking along with “Are you a good man or a bad man” from Nayakan…

    One of the best song sequences in Mani’s films to me is the opening song with Maddy listening to it on the bike… Brilliant – Just a shot of Maddy moving to the beats of the song on his bike… Only Mani can do that! Of course the other songs are beautifully shot, including the September Maadham song which we have come to expect from Mani Ratnam – In one interview, he said that sometimes, he needs to put in certain songs for the front-benchers in the halls…

    Of course Pacchai Niramae is vintage Mani Ratnam – many other filmmakers have copied the colour schemes after this movie but not to the same effect… The shot of the blue water is probably one of Mani’s best frames ever…

    Another interesting facet of Mani Ratnams movies is the strong support his side characters lend to the story – Most other Indian movies are dominated by the main cast and the side characters usually spoil the movie with less than mediocre acting… Alai Payuthey exemplifies the side characters – Both the families, the friends etc giving great performances in Mani movies

    Agree with you that it was more Shalini’s dad who didn’t want the marriage to work out, in the clash of egos… Also think that the turning point where Shalini says she’s married is fine in the context of the movie… There is a prelude to this where she is shown forced into saying yes by her mother, so I guess she has no options…

    No mention of his movies can be complete without mention of the train – He loves to use the train in almost all his movies as one of the key tools to either bring characters together (Alai Payuthey, Guru) or introduce his characters (Dil Se, Dalapathi, Yuva)…

    I dont see too many Tamil movies too.. And the Tamil/Hindi movies that I do watch – I always compare them to Mani’s movies which is probably an unfair comparison as he is leagues ahead of his contemporaries!

  5. Aparna said,

    June 2, 2007 at 8:36 am

    Youtube clippings are not available 😦 That is why I am asking if anyone has it! The full song was shown on TV esp. Vijay TV everyday for nearly two months after the release of the movie! It never struck me at that time that I should record it & I never ever thought that this song will never be shown on TV again. 😦 It features the still that I have put on the slideshow in which Shalini is wearing a green saree.

    >they have really helped me, in a lot of ways.
    :O They have help you?!

    Thank you! 🙂


  6. Aparna said,

    June 2, 2007 at 9:31 am

    Thank you 🙂
    It will be sometime before I write about Nayagan. Why don’t you write about it before I write? 😉 Your views about the movies are too good!

    I am going to post the reply to your comment as another post!

  7. June 2, 2007 at 9:44 am

    […] 2nd, 2007 at 9:44 am (Mani Ratnam) This post is actually a reply to Bharath’s comment here! Don’t scold me for posting continuously about Mani Ratnam’s movies. The reply to that […]

  8. sivaramang said,

    June 6, 2007 at 2:52 pm

    No need to say EXCELLENT again! Its default now for most of your posts. The series is very nice. You have a good flow of writing. and continue this not only for movies and for some good novels and dramas also (if u r intrested on those…).

  9. Aparna said,

    June 8, 2007 at 8:03 am

    Thank you 🙂 I am planning to attempt writing something like this for a few books too. Let’s see….

  10. NITHYA said,

    May 6, 2008 at 11:27 am


  11. saru said,

    August 14, 2008 at 12:09 pm

    I Like This Movie soooooo Much,Even Maddyyyyyyyyyyy.

  12. shakira said,

    November 10, 2008 at 3:44 am

    somebody plsss plsssssss let me know if u get the unedited version of the alaipayuthe kanna song!!:) 🙂 🙂

  13. shakira said,

    November 10, 2008 at 3:46 am

    oh and btw this is the bestestest tamil movie everrrrrrrrr!!!and Maddy n Shalini are as cute as srk n kajol!:)

  14. komal said,

    November 21, 2008 at 8:12 pm

    hey…Aparna good job 🙂
    after reading i m soo excited that some one feels the same which i feel about ‘alipauthey’ it’s one of my most favorite movie n i love it a lot…
    i m gujrati so my family say what i understand in tamil movie..but even after not understanding the tamil.. i just feel the same abut the songs n sence of movie.

    i like the wedding n small fight n that bus sence a lot
    i never ever thought someone is just crazy abut movie just like me..

    nice to see it
    again good job,thumbs up

  15. keethu said,

    July 1, 2009 at 4:05 pm


  16. September 12, 2009 at 8:55 pm

    […] post is actually a reply to Bharath’s comment here! Don’t scold me for posting continuously about Mani Ratnam’s movies. The reply to that […]

  17. Aisha said,

    October 23, 2011 at 4:20 pm

    Great post! can anyone PLEASE give me link to watch the movie with English subtitles! I’m simply obsessed with the movie, but can’t find it anywhere with subs..there is only one part with subs on YouTube. I have watched the movie twice already without understanding a single word!! HELP!!!

  18. neev said,

    December 22, 2011 at 1:08 pm

    me too PLEASE

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