Anything for Madhavan

As many of you might know, ‘Anything for Madhavan’ is a contest organized by SS Music on winning which you will get to have dinner with Madhavan. I have not watched any of the similar contests telecast on the channel and have no clue about what the contestants have to do.
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Please check out the comments for this post starting with this one. 😦 See how many fans ‘I’ have got πŸ˜›

Do you like it?

Do any of you like the shirt that is supposed to match the silk saree being classified as ‘Jodi Pattu’ by Kumaran Stores? Those of you who missed out seeing the large hoardings in the city, check it out here. I don’t like the saree as well as the shirt. 😐

8 Things about me

Sivaraman had tagged me long back. The tag is I have to list out 8 things about me.

1. I am a semi-introvert.
2. I have this weird habit of checking, re-checking, re-re-checking whether I have taken all the necessary things when I leave for an exam or some other important work!
3. Whenever I get bored/confused/sad, I write down my feelings on a paper. I have found that putting the thoughts into words has a positive effect on me.
4. I believe in the saying, ‘Life is too sweet to be spent worrying’ and try my best to enjoy all the little things in life.
5. I love ice creams πŸ˜€
6. I hate crowds! I prefer a peaceful life πŸ˜›
7. I am punctual in everything I do. I have always been the first one to arrive be it meeting a group of friends or meeting some other deadline πŸ˜‰
8. Finally, I have this policy of not tagging anyone πŸ˜‰